Monday 17 October 2011


Whilst we can give love to pets we still need to receive love from other people, and to be fond of ourselves too. Here are some simple steps that can pave the ways to feeling good and having a positive outlook.

1.      When under pressure, try not to be harshly critical of yourself but instead be loving and caring. Develop some positive and affirming statement to counting some of your major self-criticisms.

2.      Compliment yourself when you do well and concentrate on your strengths rather than your weakness.

3.      Flick some everybody situations and make a note of your positive and pessimistic attitudes towards them. If the pessimistic ones seem to be more heavily weighted think of some positive opposite, and then practice them in order situations.

4.      Stop seeing yourself as a victim of the system, or your company, or the people around you. You know you have the power to change this.

5.      Identify those things which you valve in your life and the things which you stand for, and concentrate on them.

6.      Identify the people you feel closest to and think of ways of strengthening these relationships.

7.      Whenever you feel upset, make a habit of talking to somebody you trust and be conscious of how you feel afterwards.

8.      Always ask yourself where your feelings are coming from and what you would like to see changed.

9.      Express these feelings clearly and respectfully to the other person. Seek the other’s pint of view and negotiate a plan of action.

10.  Buy a gift or write a letter for somebody you like.

11.  Spend more time with the children.

12.  Give other praise and recognition for jobs well done. People are much more likely to co-operate with you and respond to you if you do.

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