Tuesday 11 October 2011

Are you a true career woman?

Conflict is always more likely if you are a true career woman whose desires and ambitions come before the needs and expectations of your partner or family. To find out just how much of a committed career woman you are, ask yourself the following questions.

1.      Do you usually describe yourself by the job that you do?

2.      Do you regard your job as being more important than your husband’s?

3.      Would you be unhappy to contemplate taking on a less challenging job, even if the needs of tour family demanded it?

4.      Does your partner have a lower level of formal education than you?

5.      Do you find you have little time to support your partner in his own employment?

6.      Did you ignore any thoughts of having a family in the future when you chose your career?

If the answer to any of these questions is no then you are probably ambivalent about the career you have chosen, and it is likely that you and your partner have a fairly equal attitude to your relationship and ambitions. However, five yes answers, diagnoses you as being a fully fledged career woman and nothing, not even the family, are likely to hold you back. To discover where your partner stands in this situation ask yourself the following questions.

1.      Is he happy to earn less than you, would he be?

2.      Does he do all he can to help you with the chores at home as well as your own career?

3.      Is he genuinely thrilled at your abilities and achievements?

4.      Would he be willing to put his own career on hold to advance your?

5.      Is he content for you to delegate the household duties to others, including him?

If your partner answers yes to more than three or four of these questions, and the answers are genuinely honest, then you are a fortunate woman. You are living with a ‘new-ish’ man. If only one or two apply, then he is probably ambivalent about your success and possibly rather threatened as well. You are living with an old traditionalist, I’m afraid.

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