Monday 24 October 2011

Dealing with clutter

Decluttering makes you feel more organized and in control. And every so often you come across some lost treasure you’d thought had vanished forever. Then there’s the pleasure of giving things away to people you know will appreciate them. If you have enough good stuff, you can hold a garage sale – a thoroughly purging exercise based on the premise that one person’s garage is another person’s gold (well, okay, silver or bronze).

Here are some Decluttering strategies:

1.      Work out a system for large areas (if you’re cleaning a room, start with one corner).

2.      Have a reality check. Don’t keep something just because you “might need it someday.” And stop pretending that someday you’re going to get that banjo fixed and learn to play it again.

3.      Be ruthless. If you find your motivation wanting, ask someone to help you – or take a break and return with a fresh perspective.

4.      Have a place for everything and put everything in its place.

5.      Get boxes, baskets or storage bins to put similar items in and label them clearly.

6.      Develop a storage system. Tools should be stored together; photos should all be in albums or boxes; winter hats, scarves and mitts should all be in one place; luggage, totes and athletic bags should have their own area; and so on.

7.      Develop a recycling system.

8.      Out your unwanted items in three separate containers: one for trash, one to give away to specific individuals, one for donations to local charities.

9.      Consider having a garage sale (on your own or with neighbors). Used clothes can be sold on consignment at some stores; used books might be bought by second hand bookstores.

10.  Once you’ve decluttered an area, guard against re-accumulating another load of stuff. Be more mindful in the things you buy and accept from others.

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