Sunday 9 October 2011

Be mindful of the present moment

Here’s a simple way to center yourself and become mindful of the present time.

1.      Find a quiet place where you can be alone and uninterrupted for at least five minutes. If you wish, set a timer or alarm clock to go off after five minutes, or longer if you’d like to take more time.

2.      Sit in a comfortable position with your back supported. Rest your hands on your thighs in a way that feels comfortable.

3.      Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath without changing how you’re breathing. Pay attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale and become aware of the sensations of breathing from the way the breath feels in your nostrils to the way your abdomen rises and falls with each breath.

4.      While continuing to be aware of your breath, watch your thoughts as they come into your mind. Rather than clinging to any one thought, just allow them to drift though your mind like clouds drifting through the sky.  As you notice yourself following a thought, gently bring your mind back to your breathing without judgment. Just let the thoughts go, as if it were a cloud dissipating in the sunlight. This has been referred to as “bare attention”; that is, paying attention without the need to judge or change your thoughts – just simple awareness.

5.      After five minutes or when you feel ready to go back to your day, open your eyes. As you become more comfortable doing this exercise, you can bring your attention to your breath and practice letting your thoughts go at any time, no matter where you are.

Mindfulness can be helpful when used in conjustion with other cognitive techniques outlined. As you better at watching your thoughts without clinging to them, you’ll also get better at seeing the effects your thought patterns have on your mood.

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