Sunday 16 October 2011

Deep muscular relaxation

For some people, progressive muscular relaxation is not recommended as tensing the muscles can raise the blood pressure. For those suffering with hypertension, this should be avoided. Instead, deep muscular relaxation can be practiced. This is a similar technique, except that the muscles are not deliberately tense before relaxing. Allow about twenty minutes for this and, if it helps, practice the technique while listening to a relaxation audio tape or to soft tranquil music.

1.      Choose a quiet warm room free from all distractions. Close the curtains and turn off the light.

2.      Lie on a comfortable, flat surface with a pillow supporting your head and another under your knees if you wish. Close your eyes. Settle yourself into the most comfortable position you can find, legs apart and hands loosely by your side.

3.      Now focus on the muscles of your abdomen. Feel the tension unwinding and flowing away. Let the small of your back touch the floor and the muscles go completely limp and loose.

4.      Breathe slowly and deeply. Let all thoughts leave your mind. Concentrate solely on the music and how weightless you feel. Relax and feel at peace.

5.      Now focus on the muscles of your arms, let them feel heavy yet weightless. Allow them to hang loosely by your sides and feel the tension flow from your fingertips. Relax and breathe slowly and deeply. Feel all of your body completely relax. Breathe slowly and deeply.

6.      Now focus on the muscles in your legs. Let them lie completely unsupported on the floor. Allow them to be heavy, dull yet weightless. Be completely aware of the lack of tension is all of your body. Breathe slowly and deeply. Feel calm and relaxed.

7.      Now feel how all of your body is completely relaxed. Suspended in weightlessness. Completely relaxed. Breathe slowly and deeply.

8.      Allow your breath to leave your lungs completely as you breathe out each time. Allow your chest to collapse and then take a new deep breath.

9.      Repeat the process over and over again. Always slowly. Breathe deeply and slowly, relax and savour the sensation. Now you have achieved complete relaxation and are free of all tension. You will feel both relaxed and content.

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