Sunday 18 December 2011

Future event visualisation

This is the perfect technique to get you into a peak performance state. It will also help you to overcome anxiety in the kind of pressured situations we all face at different times. If the event that is causing you sleepless nights is something like a flight and you are anxious about flying or you have a big exam, driving test, interview, public performance, speech or whatever, it is good to use this technique every night for two weeks before the big day. Think of it as though you are programming yourself to succeed and every time you do on a date the next day or you have an important meeting in the morning, you can use this the night before to prepare yourself in the best possible way.

Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual. Get yourself comfortable, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing technique. Allow your mind and body to relax.

Once you are deeply relaxed and your mind is still, begin to imagine the future situation that is keeping you awake at night and visualise it in a positive light. See it exactly how you want it to be. Imagine you are performing to the best of your ability and are at your absolute best. You are strong, confident, in control, calm and secure. Remember you are programming your mind, which will believe and accept what you are visualising without question. The more positive you make the visualisation, the better you will be on the big day.

Now make the pictures bigger and brighter, and supercharge the pictures by putting your feelings into them. Feel a surge of confidence and self-belief as you run that images in your mind. Believe on every level you are succeeding. Accept this belief unconditionally. Take a moment to enjoy the successful scenario. As you do so, the feelings and images will sink deeply into you unconscious mind and become part of your inner reality. Your unconscious mind will then accept this positive future event as real.

Now you can go to sleep knowing that there is nothing to worry about, as you have just programmed your mind in a very positive way.

Focus on a single goal each night, and if this was something that had been causing you a lot of sleep lessness, use the technique repeatedly night after night with this single goal in mind. Always work on one thing at a time. The key is to use your feelings and make the events as real as you can. Really feeling it is crucial!

This future event visualisation technique will help you work towards any goal successfully. You can even use it for your future more generally, so that you see yourself in several years’ time looking happy, healthy and abundant, with everything as you want it to be. Work on that visualisation for a while and just see how things begin to change for you!

 Creating profoundly positive beliefs about your future on a deep, unconscious level can help you in many subtle ways. It can help you to become more intuitive, so you automatically make many more good decisions than bed ones.

Practise this technique often. It is so much more productive than lying awake at night and worrying.

Saturday 17 December 2011


For this technique, you need something with an alternating electrical such as a hairdryer. The current is located in the motor end, not the blower end, so it is the motor end you will be using to clear the smog.

Hold the motor end 8-12 inches from your body and move it over the whole of your body from top to toe. Move the hairdryer motor around your aura as though you are slowly cleaning a window. Pay particular attention to your head area and cover the whole of your auric field, even the soles of your feet. You may get the odd shiver, especially around your head. When this happens, it confirms that an energy shift is taking place and that it was needed.

It’s easier if someone does this for you, as you won’t be able to reach all parts of your back. It should only take a few minutes, and it is best to degauss late at night. Health kinesiologist practitioners say this process should be done a couple of times a week, but there are no hard and fast rules. If it works for you, use it whenever you feel the need.


This technique is ideal for getting new ideas and inspiration.

Before you go into the trance, imagine that you are going to draw new ideas from deep inside your unconscious mind into your conscious thoughts, as though you are going to open a door in your mind to an abundance of creativity and inspiration.

By now you will be familiar with going into a trance state and you can use any of the previous breathing and mind-calming technique to get into a relaxed and centred state.

As you lie there in this stillness, feeling centred and very calm, connect with a part of you that is responsible for your creativity, the childlike, fun, creative part of you that is imaginative and carefree, the part that likes music and laughter. You can even imagine you are opening a door and entering a room that holds an unlimited source of creative inspiration. Take a moment to really feel like this part of you and make a strong connection with it.

Now silently ask this creative part of you for guidance. Take a couple of minutes to do this. Ask it for ideas for new ventures. Don’t force it; just allow the ideas to come. Sometimes you will get ideas and inspiration later.

Take five minutes here to be still and centred, and to allow your creative ideas from a higher universal source where creativity flows in abundance.

Creating more abundance

You can use this technique before bedtime or at any time of the day and night. If you use this technique when you are in bed at night, you can drift off to sleep after repeating the affirmations. If you are using it during the day and you need to wake up feeling refreshed and alert, simply count slowly from one to ten, becoming more awake with each number. At eight, open your eyes, and at ten, come back to full waking consciousness.

You will spend much less time worrying about money when you get into a habit of using this technique and repeating the affirmations regularly. Instead, your energy will be focused on creating abundance be seeing more opportunities around you.

Get in a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing. Then begin breathing slowly and deeply in through your mouth. Breathe away any tension left in your body with every slow out-breath and allow yourself to relax more and more. Continue this breathing pattern a dozen or more times and clear away any unwanted thoughts so that your mind becomes still and quiet. Don’t worry if you get the odd unwanted thought. Just focus on the stillness of the moment.

Now, as you lie there in this stillness, imagine yourself in a very abundant position. Imagine that you find it easy surrounded by opportunities and that you find it easy to create success in your life. See yourself with boundless enthusiasm and full of new ideas.

You can take things a step further and imagine that your dream lifestyle with you living in your dream home and ideal car, and doing work that you love and enjoy that generates so much abundance. Make the visualisation whatever you want it to be.

When you create these pictures, it is crucially important to make the visualisation in the present tense and not to put a limit on your success. The more you feel it and believe it, the more effective it will be. Make your visualisation bright, colourful and vivid.

When you are ready, repeat the following magical affirmations to yourself over and over again. Say them to yourself slowly and deliberately, as though you are drawing them deeply inside you.

I am always in the right place at the right time.

Abundance flows freely and naturally to me.

All of my needs are constantly met.

I have found these affirmations to be particularly effective. As always, when you state these phrases, really believe they are a reality. Put your feelings into each phrase and repeat the affirmations like a steady mantra. Once you get used to the sequence, you can even repeat them in your daily life.

Friday 16 December 2011

Utilising the trance state with affirmations

When you have finish your body relaxation and you are completely relaxed from head to toe, you can repeat the following affirmations. It is important you only say them word as they are below.

When you repeat these affirmations, imagine every part of you absorbing the phrases with real belief, and use your feeling and emotions to supercharge them so that every cell in your mind and body resonates with each positive affirmation.

I sleep easily at night

I feel deeply relaxed.

I feel calm and centred.

I love to sleep at night.

At this point, you can allow yourself to drift off into a deep, natural sleep from which you will wake feeling refreshed.