Sunday 4 December 2011

Walking meditation

1.      In the privacy of your home, take five minutes to walk slowly with awareness. You can walk back and forth or in a loop.

2.      Keep in mind as you walk, that you’re not trying to get anywhere; instead, you are being mindful of the process of walking itself.

3.      Be fully present with each step that you take. Focus on the sensations you feel in your feet, ankles, calves, knees and thighs, as your legs move slowly through each step. Go as slowly as you wish in order to stay focused.

4.      If you attention wanders into thoughts, reactions, or other distractions allow it to do so without judgement. Then bring your focus back to the sensation in your legs and feet as you walk slowly.

5.      Start practicing walking meditation for five minutes and work up to fifteen minutes.

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