Friday 9 December 2011

Sleep, health and well being questionnaire

This is designed to pinpoint what areas of your life may be interfering with your sleep.  Use this questionnaire to identify the causes of your sleep problem. You may want to go into some aspects of this questionnaire in more detail with your health professional.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________
GP: ________________________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________________

Tick the items you would like help with:

___ Getting to sleep
___ Staying asleep
___ Early morning wakening
___ Snoring
___ Unrefreshing sleep
___ Daytime tiredness
___ Shift work
___ Other


How long have you had a sleep problem? _________________________________________

What do you think was the trigger? ______________________________________________

Who else in your family has had a sleep problem? __________________________________

Present situation:

The following questions relate to your sleep pattern over the past 4 weeks. Your answers should indicate the most accurate reply for reply majority of the nights.

What time do you usually go to bed? _____________________________________________

How long does it usually take you to fall asleep? ____________________________________

Are you usually tired at bedtime? _______________________________________________

Do you have frequent awakenings? ______________________________________________

If yes, what times and for how long? _____________________________________________

If you wake up in the night, what do you do? (E.g. get up, have a drink, listen to talkback radio etc.)___________________________________________________________________

What time do you wake up for the day? __________________________________________

Do you wake up feeling refreshed? ______________________________________________

Do you wake up to go to the toilet? ______________________________________________

Do you have trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, sitting in meetings? _______

Do you have a bed partner or a roommate? _______________________________________

Does this person say that you snore; breath-hold, twitches or jerks legs, or has any other sleep disturbances? __________________________________________________________

When did you last fall asleep easily? _____________________________________________

Do you think you get enough sleep? _____________________________________________

How many hours of sleep do you think you need? __________________________________

Bedtime routine:

How do you usually spend the last half hour before you go to bed? ____________________

Do you bring any work home with you? ___________________________________________

Do you do anything to help yourself fall asleep? (E.g. Bath, music, drink, relaxation techniques, etc.) _____________________________________________________________

Bedroom environment:

Do you have a TV or computer in your room? ______________________________________
Is your bedroom noisy?           ___________________________________________________
Do you have curtains? ________________________________________________________
Are you too hot or cold at night? ________________________________________________
Is your bed comfortable? ______________________________________________________
What position do you sleep in? _________________________________________________


Do you snore or hold your breath while sleeping? __________________________________

Shift work:

Are you or have you ever been a shift worker? _____________________________________

If yes, what is your schedule? ___________________________________________________

How long have you been a shift worker? __________________________________________

Physical health:

Mark the following with one of these responses:
‘N’ = never; “O” = often; “F’ = frequently

___ Headaches or migraines
___ Palpitations
___ Digestive problems
___ Allergies
___ Sinus problems
___ Excessive perspiration
___ Dizziness
___ Fatigue
___ Muscle weakness
___ Aches and pains
___ Lowered immune systems causing frequent colds
___ Blood pressure Fluctuations
___ Hot flushes

Do you have any medical conditions? ____________________________________________

If yes, please specify: _________________________________________________________

What medications do you take? _________________________________________________


Do you exercise? _____________________________________________________________

If yes, please specify: _________________________________________________________

How many cups of coffee do you drink per day? ____________________________________

How many cups of teas do you drink per day? _____________________________________

How much alcohol do you drink per day? _________________________________________

How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? ______________________________________

Do you take any illicit drugs? ___________________________________________________

If yes, please specify: _______________________________________________________

Previous treatment:

Have you had previous treatment for your sleep problem? ___________________________

If yes, what did you try and how effective was the treatment? ________________________

Body clock type:

Are you most productive in the mornings, afternoon or evenings? _____________________

Psychological factors:

What causes you stress in your life? _____________________________________________

Do you have unresolved issues from your past? ____________________________________

What makes you angry? _______________________________________________________

What do you feel guilty about? _________________________________________________

Are you a worrier? ___________________________________________________________

Are you controlling? __________________________________________________________

Do you get down or depressed? _________________________________________________

Are you a perfectionist? _______________________________________________________

Are you overly critical of self or others? ___________________________________________

Are you ambitious? ___________________________________________________________

Do you find it hard to relax? ____________________________________________________

Are you aggressive? __________________________________________________________

Are you passive? _____________________________________________________________

Do you get adequate time to yourself? ___________________________________________

Are you a ‘peace maker’? ______________________________________________________

Do you have a good sense of humour? ___________________________________________

Do you seek the respect of others? ______________________________________________

Are you easily hurt? __________________________________________________________

Do you cry easily? ____________________________________________________________

Do you lost your temper easily? _________________________________________________

Do you respond well to pressure? _______________________________________________

Are you competitive? _________________________________________________________

Are you over tidy? ____________________________________________________________

Can you let your hair down a enjoy yourself? ______________________________________

Have you ever had mental health problems? ______________________________________

Life satisfaction:

Instructions: Circle the appropriate number, given that1 represents being totally unhappy and 10 being extremely happy.

Work:              1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Home:             1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Social:              1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

Sleep Chart:

Use this one week chart to gain a clear picture of your present sleep situation. It can also be used during treatment so that you can see at a glance if yo are improving and what you are doing that makes a different.

Mark as accurately as you can the times you go to bed and the times you are sleep. If you sleep during the day, indicate as such (i.e. mark the numbers either side of ‘12’ as ‘am’ or ‘pm’).

Date: _______________________

8          9          10        11        12        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8

Total asleep: ____________________________ awake: _____________________________

Date: _______________________

8          9          10        11        12        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8

Total asleep: ____________________________ awake: _____________________________

Date: _______________________

8          9          10        11        12        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8

Total asleep: ____________________________ awake: _____________________________

Date: _______________________

8          9          10        11        12        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8

Total asleep: ____________________________ awake: _____________________________

Date: _______________________

8          9          10        11        12        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8

Total asleep: ____________________________ awake: _____________________________

Date: _______________________

8          9          10        11        12        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8

Total asleep: ____________________________ awake: _____________________________

Date: _______________________

8          9          10        11        12        1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8

Total asleep: ____________________________ awake: _____________________________

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