Sunday 4 December 2011

Slow-breathing Technique 2

Try doing this exercise at least four or five times a day – it doesn’t take a lot of time or effect and will help with your tension.

Hold your breath and count to ten (don’t make the mistake of taking a deep breath.)

When you get to ten, breathe out and try saying to yourself, the word ‘relax’, in a calm and smoothing manner.

Breathe in and out slowly in a six second cycle. Breathe in for three seconds and out for three seconds. This will produce a breathing rate of ten breaths per minute. Breathe in a smooth and light manner.

At the end if each minutes (after ten breaths), hold your breath again for ten seconds and then continue breathing in the six-second cycle.

Continue breathing in this manner until the symptoms of tension and perhaps any over breathing have gone.

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