Friday 9 December 2011

Headache diary

 And now without further ado... your unofficial headache diary! (Use the template below to create your own headache diary.)

Headache Diary

Date of headache/migraine:

Any warning signs that a headache/migraine was coming:

Time headache started:

Time headache ended:

Describe the type of headache pain (piercing or throbbing for example):

Describe the intensity of the pain: (Circle one)
           (low intensity)     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     (high intensity)

Location of pain (between the eyes or back of head, for example):

Any treatment or medication taken:

How did the treatment work for you:

How many hours did you sleep the night before and the night before that?
Night before: __________ hours
Night before that: __________ hours

Did you exercise today or yesterday?
     Today: Type of exercise:
     How Long: __________ minutes
     Yesterday: Type of exercise:
     How Long: __________ minutes

What did you eat today? (List the times of your meals or snacks so you can see whether the spacing or skipping of meals may be part of the problem.)





What did you get the day before? (Symptoms can develop up to 24 hours and beyond after eating certain foods, so that’s why it is helpful to know what you ate the day before.)





Where there any events or changes a day or two before the headache (stress, travel, change in weather, for example)?

Any suspected triggers or connections based on the above?

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