You can use this technique before bedtime or at any time of the day and night. If you use this technique when you are in bed at night, you can drift off to sleep after repeating the affirmations. If you are using it during the day and you need to wake up feeling refreshed and alert, simply count slowly from one to ten, becoming more awake with each number. At eight, open your eyes, and at ten, come back to full waking consciousness.
You will spend much less time worrying about money when you get into a habit of using this technique and repeating the affirmations regularly. Instead, your energy will be focused on creating abundance be seeing more opportunities around you.
Get in a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing. Then begin breathing slowly and deeply in through your mouth. Breathe away any tension left in your body with every slow out-breath and allow yourself to relax more and more. Continue this breathing pattern a dozen or more times and clear away any unwanted thoughts so that your mind becomes still and quiet. Don’t worry if you get the odd unwanted thought. Just focus on the stillness of the moment.
Now, as you lie there in this stillness, imagine yourself in a very abundant position. Imagine that you find it easy surrounded by opportunities and that you find it easy to create success in your life. See yourself with boundless enthusiasm and full of new ideas.
You can take things a step further and imagine that your dream lifestyle with you living in your dream home and ideal car, and doing work that you love and enjoy that generates so much abundance. Make the visualisation whatever you want it to be.
When you create these pictures, it is crucially important to make the visualisation in the present tense and not to put a limit on your success. The more you feel it and believe it, the more effective it will be. Make your visualisation bright, colourful and vivid.
When you are ready, repeat the following magical affirmations to yourself over and over again. Say them to yourself slowly and deliberately, as though you are drawing them deeply inside you.
I am always in the right place at the right time.
Abundance flows freely and naturally to me.
All of my needs are constantly met.
I have found these affirmations to be particularly effective. As always, when you state these phrases, really believe they are a reality. Put your feelings into each phrase and repeat the affirmations like a steady mantra. Once you get used to the sequence, you can even repeat them in your daily life.
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