Thursday, 12 April 2012

Where is Your Line in the Sand?

We all put up with lots of imperfections and annoying behaviours in our partners. The capacity to do this is usually a sign of personal strength, maturity, and love. But some behaviour is so profoundly unacceptable that they should never be tolerated, or at lease never tolerated more than once. When you draw a line in the sand, you are making a contract with yourself that you will absolutely leave this relationship under certain conditions. When you put it in writing, and you sign it, you are more likely to have the perspective and courage to follow through if the situation actually happens.
I have no choice but to leave my partner if he/she ever (cheats on me, hits me, abuses the children, lies to me about his/her gambling, makes another suicide attempt, visits child-porn sites, etc.)
In addition to these large obvious transgressions, I won’t put up with certain other behaviours. I will have no choice but to leave my partner if ever (stops talking to me for weeks on end, refuses to find a job, forbids me to talk on the phone with my friends or family, etc.)
______________________________ ____________________
          Your signature                                              Date

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