Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Heart-Centred open-Focus


The human heart is more than a mechanical pump that circulates blood throughout our body. With forty thousand neurons and an electrical field many times stronger than that produced by the brain, the heart can be said to have a powerful intelligence of its own. The heart’s elaborate network of neurotransmitters enables it to act independently of the brain. Some researchers believe that the heart can learn, remember, and produce feelings on its own. Emotional information sent from the heart to the brain has profound effects on higher brain functions, influencing our perceptions, thought processes, health, learning abilities, and especially our ability to feel compassion and empathy.

Anger, anxiety and depression stress the heart and are significant factors for heart disease. The notion of emotion pain leaving us with a “broken heart” seems to be true in a literal as well as metaphorical sense. Because of physiological connections between the brain and the heart, brain synchrony is as important to heart health as it is to brain health. The heart-centred open-focus exercise is reported to help the heart to recover from stress. Individuals, couples, and groups can benefit from practicing this heart-centred open-focus exercise.

Preparation Questions

Can you imagine sitting gently upright and balancing yourself over your hips with your eyes closed?

Can you imagine that your imagination happens freely and effortlessly?

Can you imagine that distance and volume are experienced the same way as space: like the space between your fingers, like the space your fingers occupy?

Can you imagine centring your foreground attention upon feeling and especially upon the feeling of space while including other sense experiences and their space in the surround or background of your attention?

Can you imagine centring your attention upon the feeling of space surrounding and penetrating through available feeling sensations?

Can you imagine that initially you may only be able to narrow focus upon the feeling of one body space at a time as mentioned in this exercise?

Can you imagine that will continued practice your attention will broaden with each question, adding together your separate experiences of the individual body spaces into a feeling of one whole space?

Can you imagine what it would feel like if you were already feeling the presence of your heart and the space it occupies and the space around and through your body?

Guiding Questions

Can you imagine not giving any particular efforts to listening to the questions or to achieving any of the associated images or experience? Can you image that the ideal response is whatever spontaneously happens to your multisensory imagery or experience when a particular question is asked? The nature of your experience naturally changes and deepens with continued practice. Can you imagine that you’re opening and expanding awareness of your emerging experience is a continuing process? Can you imagine giving emphasis to imagining the feeling of space?

Can you imagine the distance or space between your eyes?

Is it possible for you to imagine the space inside your nose as you inhale and exhale naturally?

Can you imagine your breath flowing behind your eyes as you inhale naturally?

Can you imagine the distance between your nose and your eyes?

Can you imagine space inside your throat as you inhale naturally?

Is it possible for you to imagine the space inside your throat and the space inside your nose?

Can you imagine the space inside your mouth and cheeks?

Is it possible for you to imagine the surface of your tongue?

Is it possible for you to imagine the entire region contained within your tongue – that is, can you imagine the volume of your tongue? That id, can you imagine the space your tongue occupies?

Can you imagine the space your teeth and gums occupy?

Can you imagine the volume of your lips? That is, can you imagine the space your lip occupies?

Is it possible for you to imagine the distance or space between your upper lip and the base of your nose?

Can you imagine the distance between the inside of your throat and the tip of your chin?

Is it possible for you to imagine the distance between the space inside of your throat and the space inside your ears?

Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and the space inside your ears?

Can you imagine the space between your ears?

Can you imagine the space between the tip of your chin and your temples?

Can you imagine the distance between your temples?

Can you imagine the distance between the tips of your chin and the top of your head?

Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and your cheekbones?

Can you imagine the space between your cheekbones?

Is it possible for you to imagine the space between the tip of your chin and your eyes?

Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and the middle of your forehead?

Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and the corners of your mouth?

Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and your lower lip?

Can you imagine the distance between the corners of your mouth and your nostrils?

Can you imagine the volume of your entire jaw?

Can you imagine the distance between your nostrils?

Can you imagine the space inside of the bridge of your nose?

Can you imagine the distance between the space inside the bridge of your nose and your eyes?
Is it possible for you to imagine that the region around your eyes is filled with space?

Can you imagine the volume of your eyelids?

Can you imagine the distance between your eyelid and your eyebrows?

Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your forehead?

Can you imagine the distance between the space inside the bridge of your nose and a point in the middle of your forehead?

Can you imagine the distance between the space inside the bridge of your nose and your hairline?

Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of the entire face simultaneously, including your ears, your jaw, your nose and you’re tongue, teeth, gums and lips?

Can you imagine at the same time the volume of your scalp?

Can you imagine that as you inhale naturally your breath fills the entire volume of your face and scalp and head, including your ears and jaw and eyes?

Can you imagine that as you exhale and as your breath leaves your body it leaves your face, scalp and head empty – that is, filled with space?

Can you imagine the space inside your throat expanding until your entire neck is filled with space?

Can you imagine the distance between the inside your neck and the tips of your shoulders?

Can you imagine the space inside your throat and neck expanding to fill the entire region of your shoulders?

Can you imagine the volume of your upper arms?

Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your upper and lower arms simultaneously?

Can you imagine the volume of your arms, wrists and hands simultaneously?

Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of you thumbs?

Can you imagine the volume of your index finger?

Is it possible to imagine the space between your thumb and index finger on each hand?

Can you imagine the volume of your middle finger on each hand?

Can you imagine the space between your index finger and your middle finger on each hand?

Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your ring finger on each hand?

Can you imagine the space between your ring finger and thumb on each hand?

Can you imagine the volume of your little fingers?

Can you imagine the space between your ring and little finger?

Can you imagine the space between your little finger and thumb on each hand?

Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of all of your fingers simultaneously and at the same time imagine the space between all of your fingers?

Can you imagine the volume of your shoulders, arms, hands and fingers and at the same time imagine feeling the space between your fingers and the distance or space between your arms?

Can you imagine that as you inhale naturally your breath fills your entire head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers and that as you exhale and as your breath leaves your body it leaves this entire region filled with space?

While remaining aware of the space inside this entire region, it is possible for you also to imagine the space around these regions – space around and between your fingers, space between your arms, space around your arms and shoulders and neck and head?

While remaining aware of the boundaries between the space inside and outside these regions, can you imagine the space freely permeating and flowing through these boundaries?

Can you imagine that as you continue to practice these Open-Focus exercises your experience will become more vivid and more effortless?

Can you imagine practicing this exercise at lease twice daily?

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