This Open-Focus exercise is designed to begin unlocking some of the stress we carry in our head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. Our head and neck muscles are especially vulnerable to stress and tension because they are used prominently to support a chronic narrow-objective, gripping style of attention.
Take a moment not to adjust your posture, sitting or standing, gently erect. Adopt a posture that you can maintain without the need for adjustment for the duration of the exercise. To the best of your ability, refrain from moving throughout the exercise, since this distracts one from building alternative style. Can you imagine letting your mind and body naturally and effortlessly respond to the following questions concerning your ability to imagine certain experiences? It is usually easier to imagine or realize the experience of space, with the eyes close.
Guiding Questions
Can you imagine not giving any particular effort to listening to the questions or to achieving any of the associated images or experiences? Can you imagine that the ideal response is whatever spontaneously happens to your multisensory imagery or experience will naturally change and deepen with continued practice? Can you imagine that you’re opening and expanding awareness of your emerging experience is a continuing process? Can you imagine giving emphasis to imagining the feeling of space?
Can you imagine the distance or space between your eyes?
Is it possible for you imagine the space inside your nose as you inhale and exhale naturally?
Can you imagine the distance between your nose and your eyes?
Can you imagine the space inside your throat as you inhale as you inhale naturally?
Is it possible for you to imagine the space inside your throat and the space inside your nose?
Can you imagine the space inside your mouth and cheeks?
Is it possible for you to imagine the surface of your tongue?
Is it possible for you to imagine the entire regions contained within your tongue – that is, can you imagine the volume of your tongue? That is, can you imagine the space your tongue occupies?
Can you imagine the space your teeth and gums occupy?
Can you imagine the volume of your lips? That is, can you imagine the space your lips occupy?
Is it possible you to imagine the distance or space between your upper lip and the base of your nose?
Can you imagine the distance between the inside of your throat and the tip of your chin?
Can you imagine the space inside your ears?
Is it possible for you to imagine the distance between the space inside your throat and the space inside your ears?
Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and your temple?
Can you imagine the distance between your temples?
Can you imagine the space between the tip of your chin and the top of your head?
Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and the back of your neck?
Can you imagine the space between the tip of your chin and your cheekbones?
Is it possible for you to imagine the space between the tip of your chin and your eyes?
Can you imagine the space between your eyes?
Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and the middle of your forehead?
Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and the corners of your mouth?
Can you imagine the distance between the tip of your chin and your lower lip?
Can you imagine the distance between the corners of your mouth and your nostrils?
Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your entire jaw?
Can you imagine the distance between your nostrils?
Can you imagine the space inside the bridge of your nose?
Can you imagine the distance between the space inside the bridge of your nose and the back of your head?
Is it possible for you to imagine that the region around your eyes is filled with space?
Can you imagine the distance between your eyelids and your eyebrows?
Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your forehead?
Can you imagine the distance between the space inside the bridge of your nose and a point in the middle of your forehead?
Can you imagine the distance between the space inside the bridge of your nose and your hairline?
Can you imagine at the same time the volume of your scalp?
Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your entire face simultaneously including your ears, your jaw, your nose and your tongue, teeth, gums and lips?
Can you imagine that as you inhale naturally your breath fills the entire volume of your face and scalp, including your ears and jaw and eyes?
Can you imagine that as you exhale and as your breath leaves your body it leaves your face, scalp and head empty – that is, filled with space?
Can you imagine the space inside your throat expanding until your entire neck is filled with space?
Can you imagine the distance between the space inside your neck and the tips of your shoulders?
Can you imagine the space inside your throat and neck expanding to fill the entire region of your shoulders?
Can you imagine the volume of your upper arms?
Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your upper and lower arms simultaneously?
Can you imagine the volume of your arms, wrist, and hands simultaneously?
Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your thumbs?
Can you imagine the volume of your index finger?
Is it possible for you to imagine the space between your thumb and index finger on each hand?
Can you imagine the volume of your middle finger on each hand?
Can you imagine the space between your index finger and your middle finger on each hand?
Can you imagine the space between your middle finger and thumb on each hand?
Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of your ring finger on each hand?
Can you imagine the space between your middle and ring fingers?
Can you imagine the space between your ring finger and thumb on each hand?
Can you imagine the volume of your little finger?
Can you imagine the space between your ring and little finger?
Can you imagine the space between your little finger and thumb on each hand?
Is it possible for you to imagine the volume of all of your fingers simultaneously and at the same time imagine the space between all of your fingers?
Can you imagine the volume of your shoulders, arms, hands and fingers and at the same time imagine feeling the space between your fingers and the distance or space between your arms?
Can you imagine that as you inhale naturally your breath fills your entire head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers and that as you exhale and as your breath leaves your body it leaves this entire region filled with space?
While remaining aware of the space inside this entire region, is it possible for you also to imagine the space around these regions – space around and between your fingers, space between your arms, space around your arms and shoulders and neck and head?
While remaining aware of the boundaries between the space inside and outside these regions, can you imagine the space freely permeating and flowing through these boundaries?
Can you imagine that as you continue to practice these Open Focus exercises your experience will become more vivid and more effortless?
Can you imagine practicing this exercise at least twice daily?
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