If you want to gain more control over your feelings it is useful to increase your vocabulary when naming them. This stops any tendency to overgeneralize. Use the list below to be more specific about the feelings you experiencing to trigger situations so that you can be very clear when these feelings change.
These words can be used to describe your state of mind. What feelings are you really experiencing when you have an unpleasant emotion?
Feelings checklist |
Aggressive | Cut-up | Free | Livid | Shocked |
Aggrieved | Degraded | Fuming | Lonely | Shy |
Agitated | Deplorable | Furious | Malevolent | Small |
Angry | Depressed | Futile | Malicious | Sour |
Annoyed | Diminished | Grief-stricken | Marred | Spiteful |
Anxious | Dirty | Grumpy | Melancholic | Strong |
Apprehensive | Disbelieving | Guilty | Moody | Sullied |
Ashamed | Discouraged | Gutted | Mortified | Tearful |
Awkward | Disenchanted | Harmed | Mournful | Tense |
Bad-tempered | Disillusioned | Heart-sick | Nervous | Thwarted |
Belittled | Displeased | Hideous | Offended | Timid |
Bereft | Distraught | Horrible | Outraged | Touchy |
Bitter | Distressed | Humiliated | Pain (in) | Troubled |
Blameworthy | Docile | Hurt | Pained | Truculent |
Blue | Dogmatic | Ignorant | Paranoid | Unconfident |
Bothered | Doubtful | Ill-tempered | Peevish | Uneasy |
Calm | Downcast | Incapacitated | Perplexed | Unforgiving |
Chaotic | Downhearted | Inconsolable | Prickly | Unpardonable |
Comatose | Edgy | Insecure | Relieved | Unsure |
Concerned | Enraged | Inspired | Resentful | Vexed |
Confident | Envious | Irritated | Restless | Wary |
Confounded | Fearful | Jealous | Self-conscious | Worried |
Crestfallen | Forgiving | Jumpy | Self-doubt | Wounded |
cross | fractious | Let down | Shattered | Wronged |
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